Shipping & Returns

How is shipping calculated?

Shipping is calculated by UPS at the time of checkout based on the total weight of products ordered and your geographic location. We only ship to the United States.

Do I have to pay sales tax?

Sales Tax will be charged where applicable.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

How long does it take to receive my order?

Your order will be shipped usually within 1-2 days after payment has been received. Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will be shipped on Monday.

How will I know my order has been received?

You will receive a confirmation email stating the items in your order and the total charges billed to your card.

Can I check on the status of my order?

You must be a registered user to use this feature. Please sign in to your account and click on Orders under the My Account information. The current status of your orders will be available.

How do I return an item?

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it in its original, unused condition within 30 days of delivery and we will issue a refund, less shipping charges, upon receipt.

Return Instructions:

Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-289-2826 or via email at

Please ship the package(s) to this address: Product Returns
500 Oakridge Church Road Tifton, GA 31794

If you wish to receive your refund as quickly as possible, we recommend that your return shipping method be UPS or FedEx via first class or priority mail with delivery confirmation.

Refunds will be issued in the manner in which original payment was made. Please allow 6-8 weeks from the date you ship your package back to receive your refund. We will issue a refund after we receive the returned product.